Motorized Prosthetic Elbow

I created a motorized prosthetic elbow system that detects a user's walking speed and adjusts its motion in real time.
I created a motorized prosthetic elbow system that detects a user's walking speed and adjusts its motion in real time.
I used a Myo Armband to control an Adroit Robotic arm using a gesture recognition model and IMU measurements.
I implemented Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) SLAM from scratch on a Turtlebot3 using ROS2 and C++.
I programmed a Franka Emika Panda robotic arm to autonomously make hot chocolate.
Used a computer vision algorithm to detect a pen and guide a robotic arm to grab it.
I used Python to simulate the dynamics of a dice bouncing around in a box.
I simulated different motion plan trajectories using Python and CoppeliaSim for the Kuka youBot, a mobile omnidirectional robot with a manipulator.
I created a simple RRT algorithm in Python that is able to avoid obstacles when finding a goal.
I created a MRI compatible cap that decreased the amount of noise in EEG and fMRI signal readings.